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New case of babesiosis confirmed in Hertfordshire

A new confirmed case of babesiosis by Walton Lodge Veterinary Group in Ware, Hertfordshire has acted as a stark reminder of the need for continued vigilance of tick-borne disease in the UK, even for dogs that have not travelled outside the UK.

Atilla Csaka, a vet at the practice, was presented with the concerned owners of an eight-year-old Staffie at the end of August this year, having found blood in the dog’s urine.

Hannah Newbury, technical manager at MSD Animal Health, comments: “This case is a reminder of the value of vets remaining vigilant to the possibility of babesiosis being present in dogs that have not travelled outside the UK or had contact with dogs that have. It also highlights the need for vets to discuss parasite risk with owners to ensure that dogs are given regular tick treatments throughout the year to reduce the risks to pets and owners.”

Hannah continues: “As we learnt from the cases of canine babesiosis in Essex last year, there are established populations of the tick Dermacentor reticulatus acting as vectors of the introduced pathogen Babesia which is a major concern for animal health. It also demonstrates the potential dangers from the inadvertent introduction of novel disease pathogens if vigilance and surveillance are not maintained.”

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