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Call for top pics as BVA launches 2019 Veterinary photographer of the year competition

Budding snappers from across the veterinary community are being invited to send in their best pictures as the BVA launches its fourth annual photography competition.

The competition, which is open to all BVA members, is calling for entries under two categories. Submissions in the “All creatures great and small” category cover images from across the animal kingdom – whether it’s wildlife. livestock or pets – taken either inside or outside of the workplace. Meanwhile, in the “One Veterinary Community – #WeAreBVA” category the judging panel will be seeking out snaps that show veterinary working life through a lens and celebrate the diversity of BVA’s membership.

Last year saw over 500 entries from members hoping to catch the eye of competition judges including celebrated wildlife photographer David Tipling. Stephen Ashman won in the “All creatures great and small” category with a picture of a pair of wild ponies, while Peter Myatt won in the “Human:animal bond” category with a photo entitled “Best part of the job”, which shows a laid-back 10-week-old cocker spaniel puppy lounging contentedly on Peter’s lap.

This year, the winner in each category will receive a £250 John Lewis gift voucher and get the chance to have their photographs displayed at BVA Members’ Day in September, at other BVA events and used in BVA communications.

Simon Doherty, BVA President, said: “The annual photography competition is a real calendar highlight and an incredible showcase for the diverse, valuable and often eye-catching work being carried out across the veterinary community. Every year since the competition launched we’ve been really impressed by the quality and range of entries and I’m really looking forward to seeing our talented members keeping standards just as high this year. Whether you’re a serious snapper or a casual clicker, we really want to see how you catch on camera the animal kingdom and what being a BVA member means to you.”

The deadline for entries to this year’s competition is midnight on 1 September 2019. Submissions should promote responsible animal interaction as well positive animal health and welfare. For more information and to submit photos, please click here.

The full gallery of the 2018 BVA Veterinary Photographer of the Year Competition shortlisted entries is available to view on BVA’s Flickr gallery.

Veterinary Practice

Improve Veterinary Practice (part of the Improve International Group) is an online knowledge and information hub for veterinary professionals across all specialties. It provides reliable, useful and interesting content, written by expert authors and covering small animal, large animal, exotics, equine and practice management
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