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MSD Animal Health launches VetsDeliver

VetsDeliver from MSD Animal Health delivers 12 weeks of parasite protection directly from vet to pet owner

MSD Animal Health has launched VetsDeliver, its new service delivering parasite prescriptions direct from the vet to the pet owner’s home. Designed to allow veterinary practices to save clients’ time and improve compliance, VetsDeliver provides Bravecto’s 12 week flea and tick treatment with the wormer of the vet’s choice. The veterinary practice simply registers the client for the service during the patient’s appointment via a portal provided by Easy Direct Debit (EDD). The first Bravecto will be given with the wormer at the practice appointment with all following prescribed BRAVECTO and wormers sent direct to the pet owner, with their normal post through their letterbox. Veterinary practices can register their interest here.

Amanda Melvin, Marketing Manager at MSD Animal Health comments: “We launched VetsDeliver at the London Vet Show and had an extremely positive response. It is designed to build on the trust pet owners already have with their veterinary practices and adds convenient delivery to their door that is now familiar to most consumers. All branding and packaging has been designed to be eye-catching while communicating a high quality, professional service that reflects the quality of the veterinary practice. Furthermore, VetsDeliver will be the first service to offer 12-week flea and tick protection and provide the practice with the ability to add its wormer of choice. It’s easy for vets to sign-up clients and by offering Bravecto we reduce the number of deliveries and packaging required compared to monthly treatments.”

Melvin adds: “Vet practices remain an important source of reminders for owners to apply respective parasite treatment, however, it is mostly owners themselves (65 percent) who try to remember the treatment. VetsDeliver builds on the advantage of the well-established bond between veterinary practices and owners to improve the reminding system. The service will ensure these reminders coincide with the delivery of the product so veterinary practices play an even bigger role in aligning the service to the personal needs of owners.”

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