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New farmer engagement tool will help vets improve client beef suckler systems

A new on-farm audit tool from MSD Animal Health will help vets in practice engage more proactively with beef suckler producers

The tool also enables the development of an action plan for the farmer to address the key areas influencing optimum herd health and performance.

Speaking at the BCVA launch of a new Suckler Herd Performance Checklist, Ellie Button MRCVS of Howells Veterinary Services said the new engagement tool helps a vet assess performance across the five crucial time periods and processes impacting on the success of beef suckler herds. Mrs Button is one of five practising veterinarians focused in beef production that collaborated to develop the tool based on their own working experiences, clinical research studies, economic data and industry recommendations.

“For example, reducing calf morbidity and mortality rates in a suckler herd starts with management practices before conception. Optimum performance also requires following proper management protocols throughout the youngstock period from birth to weaning, including effective colostrum administration, vaccination, nutrition and hygiene,” said Mrs Button.

Drawing on results from MSD Animal Health’s recent National Youngstock Survey Mrs Button said that, on average, beef suckler producers rate their management practices at 7 out of 10 in these crucial areas. However, in the surveyed farms, 83 percent left colostrum to natural suckling only and 79 percent never checked colostrum quality.

“The survey results also highlighted an opportunity for farmers to engage more with their vets during disease outbreaks. While 72 percent experienced scour and 34 percent experienced mortality due to scour, only 41 percent had the cause of scour diagnosed. The findings are similar for pneumonia cases: 57 percent experienced pneumonia, which caused 34 percent to experience mortality. However, fewer than 30 percent of those surveyed had the cause of pneumonia diagnosed. This data suggests there is significant room for improvement on many UK beef suckler units and we as vets can help,” she said.

“The new checklist also provides a tool to use during routine health planning, for a thorough approach looking at aspects of animal health in depth. It can be used to provide confidence to vets who are less experienced with suckler herds and allow them to have a structured evidence-based approach on farm.”

According to MSD livestock veterinary advisor Dr Kat Baxter-Smith, the new checklist explores, records and scores suckler herd performance to allow the vet to identify the strengths and weaknesses of an individual unit’s environment and processes.

“Working through a series of 10 questions within each of the five areas – designed to tease out where a rearing unit is in terms of accepted best management practice – allows vet and farmer to quickly pinpoint any areas needing attention. What’s more, repeating the checklist every six or 12 months is a great way to keep things on track, allowing both parties to monitor progress against agreed targets,” said Dr Baxter-Smith.

“A similar style of checklist has been available to youngstock rearing units in the dairy industry for more than a year now, with several vets reporting that it has proved integral in their work with farmers to help reduce calf morbidity and mortality rates. Use of the checklist approach is also helping cut antibiotic usage through the implementation of preventative health practices such as vaccination,” she said.

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