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Training and mentoring workshop for specialists this October

The British College of Veterinary Specialists (BCVSp) has organised a training and mentoring workshop to help members and non-members assess and develop their internship and residency programmes in line with current policies and expectations. The one-day event will be held on 23 October 2019, at Woburn House, London. BCVSp members are eligible for a ticket discount of 25 percent.

“The positive training and mentoring of interns is critical to secure the development and growth the veterinary specialist sector,” said Celia Marr, BCVSp Chairman. “This workshop has been designed by specialists, based on their direct experiences, to help discuss and shape the best paths forward to encourage, develop and retain new Specialists.” She added: “We are delighted that Dr Maria Panagioti, Centre for Primary Care, Manchester, and Dr Ben Ulyatt, from Ninewells Hospital Trust, Dundee are joining us so we can benefit from lessons learned from training programmes for medical consultants”.

The workshop will review current, relevant training policies and identify individual strengths and weaknesses in the delivery of existing internship and residency programmes.

Selection, pastoral support and how to develop and ensure desirable outcomes from training programmes, will be discussed from perspectives of both the trainee and the mentor. The day will also include a brain storming session to start the process of developing a strategy, objective and roadmap for BCVSp to support best practice in the training and mentoring of veterinary specialists.

Veterinary speakers and facilitators include Clive Elwood, James Swann, Sophie Adamantos and Gayle Hallowell.

The workshop is open to members and non-members of BCVSp with tickets priced at £150 or £202 respectively. Those eligible for BCVSp membership should consider joining before registering in order to benefit from the reduced price. Membership is open to vets eligible to work in UK. For full membership, applicants must be included in the RCVS Veterinary Specialist list and/or hold FRCPath, RCVS, EBVS or AVMA-ABVS Diplomas. For associate membership you must be enrolled in a residency registered with a European or American Speciality College. Register for the BCVSp Training and Mentoring Workshop online.

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