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Dogs Trust issues call for research funding applications

Deadline for Dogs Trust Canine Welfare Grant preliminary applications is 25 March

Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, is calling for preliminary applications from researchers seeking funding for projects which positively impact dog welfare. The deadline is 25 March 2020.

As well as striving to provide the best possible welfare for the dogs in its own care, Dogs Trust also invests in funding research that aims to improve the welfare of all dogs for generations to come through its Canine Welfare Grants (CWG) programme.

Paula Boyden, Dogs Trust Veterinary Director, says:

“Applications for projects can cover an enormous range of topics, so long as the focus remains on improving our understanding of dog welfare. In the past, we have seen research that has looked into the health risks of breeding dogs with short muzzles and another led to the discovery of a genetic variant that predisposes some dogs to the agonising condition Syringomyelia.

“The applications we receive will go through a rigorous two stage assessment process. We accept projects with timeframes of between approximately one and three years, depending on the subject area.”

When applying for a grant Dogs Trust asks applicants to focus on one of the following areas:

  • The genetic basis of disease or reduced welfare in dogs
  • Canine behaviour
  • Healthy ageing in dogs
  • Epidemiology of disease
  • The welfare of dogs suffering from chronic disease

Dogs Trust does not support any studies that require a Home Office licence for the use of animals in scientific research.

Anyone interested in applying for funding or to receive a copy of the terms and conditions, please email . The deadline for preliminary applications is 25 March.

Those interested in finding out more about Dogs Trust please visit our website.

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