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Get connected with animal rehabilitation therapists from across the globe

Virtual conference brings together the world’s best in animal health

Every year for the past four years, Onlinepethealth, a South African company devoted to the Veterinary Rehabilitation profession, has hosted a global get-together of veterinary rehabilitation therapists, hydrotherapists, vets and veterinary technicians for one amazing day of meeting, sharing and collaborative learning.

This year is no different. The 2020 Veterinary Rehabilitation Summit takes place on 14 November 2020, offering participants a rare chance to meet colleagues in over 50 countries, participate in one of three live webinars, and benefit from networking rooms particular to each geographical location.

Have you always wanted to meet fellow animal health professionals in your city, state or region? Do you have any burning concerns about your profession to bring to the table? Are you interested in the latest research relevant to this constantly expanding field? Now is your chance.

Participation is free to members of Onlinepethealth, carries a reasonable fee for non-members, and allows limited access for free to those who just want to dip a toe in and get a taste of this amazing day.

This year, the theme is CONNECTIONS.

The Vet Rehab Summit 2020 – get connected

If there is one thing COVID-19 has taught us, it is that we do better when connected with others. Currently, like so many other expanding disciplines, veterinary care is made up of several specialist areas, each with its own unique perspective and skill set to offer. There is an essential unity of purpose amongst us all – whether you’re a vet, vet technician, vetrehabber or hydrotherapist – that is sometimes hard to find and not always acknowledged.

We are all members of one team, working toward one common goal – the best possible quality of life for animals. The theme of this year’s seminar brings this essential unity to the fore; connected, we are stronger. Connected, we are better equipped to provide the best possible services to animals. Connected, our work is more interesting, varied and fun.

Here’s how the 2020 Veterinary Rehab Conference will bring you closer to the teammates you did not know you had:

Round the world networking rooms

Log into the website, get a sense of who’s there, then break into networking rooms for your area. This is a meet-and-greet session, a chance to say hi to colleagues in your area, establish shared areas of interest, and possibly link up for later collaboration.

Discussion rooms

Come together over a common interest, meeting a whole new bunch of fellow vet rehabbers interested in key issues that affect our profession. Discussion topics are selected to be of global interest to all.

Six discussions are planned:

  • Research: Can we build a clinically relevant body of research in the vital field of animal rehabilitation, whatever the challenges?
  • Business: How resilient is your practice? Let’s discuss what is and what isn’t working in your practice, and the things you can do to start changing it.
  • Natural balance: All animals, like humans, favour one side or another. Do we work with this natural one-sidedness in our equine and canine athletes and rehab patients, or do we train them out of this?
  • Unity in the Veterinary Rehabilitation field: We’re essential members of a multi-disciplinary team, but without a united front, and advocacy work undertaken in unity, how can we convince veterinarians and other professionals in the industry to see us for the indispensable role we play?
  • Topics for the last two discussions have yet to be decided on.

Live webinars

Choose one of three live webinars to attend; the hydro webinar, the small animal webinar and the equine webinar. Each hosted by an expert in the field, and each followed up with six recorded webinars to listen to at your leisure. For the full list of topics in the recorded webinars, go to the Summit’s website.

And that is not all …

Visit the Exhibitors Hall: Meet and chat with people and companies offering products and services in the Veterinary Rehabilitation field. Discover what’s out there to complement the work you do.

Nominate someone as Veterinary Rehab Therapist of the Year: This is a new award created by the IAVRPT to recognise outstanding work in the field of Veterinary Rehabilitation. A chance to appreciate our profession and the amazing people who are daily developing and expanding it.

Make a difference: Also a first, the conference this year is supporting the animal rehabilitation charity of your choice with a percentage of proceeds from the day. There are so many excellent animal rehab organisations that deserve our support. Vote on the day, or register your nomination via the website.

It’s going to be a party

CONNECT with colleagues across the world at the 2020 Veterinary Rehabilitation Summit, for a day that will, above all, be sociable and fun – and in a very special way, restorative. There is nothing quite like the satisfaction of connecting – and there is no-one quite like the amazing people who make up the world of Veterinary Rehabilitation. The party won’t be the same without you!

To find out more go to the website.

Veterinary Practice

Improve Veterinary Practice (part of the Improve International Group) is an online knowledge and information hub for veterinary professionals across all specialties. It provides reliable, useful and interesting content, written by expert authors and covering small animal, large animal, exotics, equine and practice management
sectors of the veterinary surgeon and nursing professions.

Improve Veterinary Practice also offers a subscription-based membership, offering CPD courses and much more for the whole veterinary community.

Improve Veterinary Practice exists to inspire and inform your day-to-day work, and enable your ongoing professional development.

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