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MSD Animal Health opens 2020 Research Bursary for veterinary students

Students from universities across the UK are encouraged to apply and the deadline for entries is 26 June 2020

MSD Animal Health has opened its 2020 Research Bursary for Veterinary Students and is inviting students from universities across the UK to apply. Five veterinary students have the opportunity to win an award of £1,000 for their research project, and an additional £1,000 top prize and £500 runner-up prize. The deadline for entries is Friday 26 June 2020.

Michelle Townley, Veterinary Advisor at MSD Animal Health, comments: “Interest in our student research bursaries has grown each year and we are getting extremely high quality applications, which is really encouraging. It is a great way for veterinary students to gain additional experience while they undertake their research projects. As part of our commitment to the science of healthier animals and the future of the veterinary profession we are therefore encouraging as many students as possible to take the opportunity to apply.”

Vet students given awards will be invited to MSD Animal Health’s Research Bursary annual awards dinner and presentation day. Last year MSD Animal Health selected Eleanor Robertson from the University of Liverpool for the top £1,000 prize for her exploration on access to and use of antifungal treatments in Ethiopia. Joanna Gillingham, also from the University of Liverpool, won the £500 runner-up prize for her project assessing mineral difficiency in association with fertility in cross breed cows in Sri Lanka. Research bursary awards were also made for completed research projects by veterinary students Jessica Seale, on Cryptosporidium in UK cattle; and Lucy Yarnold, on Aeromonas sp. in canine Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy (CRGV) cases. Veterinary surgeons, Dr Jennifer Duncan of the University of Liverpool, and Dr Sarah Caddy from the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, who had both received MSD Animal Health Veterinary Surgeon Research Bursaries, also presented details of their recent research and discussed the value of research as part of an evolving career.

Successful applicants will be announced in June 2020. For further details, please visit the MSD Animal Health Research Bursary website.

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