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RCVS looking for general practitioners to help shape the future of support for veterinary graduates

New programme builds on the results of the Graduate Outcomes Consultation and will replace the current Professional Development Phase

The RCVS is looking for general practitioners to join one of two working groups to shape a new programme to support veterinary graduates into life in practice.

The aim of the programme, which will replace the current Professional Development Phase (PDP), is to ensure that veterinary graduates are fully supported in their new role and able to progress from day one competencies into confident and capable independent practitioners.

This new programme builds on the results of the Graduate Outcomes Consultation, a wide-ranging consultation which reported in 2019 to gather the views of the profession with regards to day one competencies, the PDP, extra-mural studies and clinical education for general practice.

The proposal for the new programme took on board the findings from the Graduate Outcomes consultation which found that the profession felt that support mechanisms for new graduates needed to be strengthened. The proposal to develop this new programme of support was approved by RCVS Council in January.

The first of the two working groups is the EPA Working Group, which is tasked with assisting the development of a bank of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). EPAs describe the everyday professional tasks carried out by vets in practice, covering a wide range of areas of clinical and professional practice which graduates and their mentors can access to build into their own e-portfolio.

The second working group is the Mentor Working Group, which will assist in shaping the role of the mentor in the new programme and create a training package for workplace mentors.

“It is incredibly important for us to have input from veterinary surgeons who are working in general practice as they are well positioned to comment on how the development programme can effectively support graduates on a day to day basis,” says Sue Paterson, Chair of RCVS Education Committee.

The College is looking for veterinary surgeons working in practice and who have an interest in helping new graduates gain the best possible experience to join as members of these new working groups. It would be beneficial for applicants to have experience with mentoring and/or workplace training.

Successful applicants would be required to visit the RCVS for three half-day meetings over the period of a year and the RCVS would cover travel and subsistence expenses. There would be an additional time commitment to review and feedback on material via email.

Those general practitioners who are interested in applying should email Britta Crawford, RCVS Education Manager, via giving a brief description of their current position and why they feel they would be an asset to the working group. The closing date for applications is 6 March 2020.

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