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Time to reflect with Mind Matters

Facilitated online sessions aim to help veterinary professionals reflect on the emotional aspects of their work in a safe, confidential space

The RCVS Mind Matters Initiative (MMI) will be holding a series of free online “Reflection Time” sessions over the coming months. These facilitated sessions aim to help veterinary professionals reflect on the emotional aspects of their work in a safe, confidential online space.

The series will be facilitated by Mind Matters Manager Lisa Quigley and each monthly theme will have afternoon and evening sessions (taking place 12.30pm to 1.30pm and 7.30pm to 8.30pm respectively) to ensure that it can be accessed by people with different working and/or caring responsibilities.

The themes and timings are as follows:

  • Support from my team – Wednesday 29 July
  • Everyday leadership – Thursday 20 August and Thursday 27 August
  • Juggling it all –
    Thursday 17 September and Thursday 24 September
  • A lesson learned –
    Thursday 22 October and Thursday 29 October
  • Believing in myself –
    Thursday 19 November and Thursday 26 November

In addition to the Reflection Time sessions Lisa Quigley will also be hosting a free series of informal online “Lunchtime Learning” sessions in which she will give an overview of Mind Matters activities and how to get involved. Broader issues around mental health and wellbeing in the professions will also be covered. Each session starts at 12.30pm and will take place on:

  • Friday 31 July
  • Friday 28 August
  • Friday 25 September
  • Friday 30 October
  • Friday 27 November

Lisa Quigley commented: “The Mind Matters Reflection Time sessions are an excellent opportunity for members of the profession to take themselves away from their clinical day-to-day work, and to pause and reflect on the more emotional aspects of themes such as support, leadership, work-life balance and learning culture. All members of the practice team are welcome, including veterinary and veterinary nursing students.

“The feedback that we had from the previous sessions was very positive, with many saying they valued the opportunity to share and reflect on their experiences in a safe space. I look forward to hearing the reflections of members of the profession about these important topics and helping them to integrate their insights into working life, as well as introducing people to the excellent work of the Mind Matters Initiative via the Lunchtime Learning sessions.”

Details on how to sign-up are available on the Mind Matters Initiative website.

Veterinary Practice

Improve Veterinary Practice (part of the Improve International Group) is an online knowledge and information hub for veterinary professionals across all specialties. It provides reliable, useful and interesting content, written by expert authors and covering small animal, large animal, exotics, equine and practice management
sectors of the veterinary surgeon and nursing professions.

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