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Antibiotic resistant superbugs on the rise in horses: choose antibiotic-free Zarasyl instead

Zarasyl steps up as a new option for equestrians looking for wound and skin care products

Overuse of antibiotic ointments in the barn contributes to the development of “superbugs” and can put future health of equines at risk. Now, antibiotic-free barrier cream Zarasyl steps up as a new option for equestrians looking for wound and skin care products.

Superbugs, or antibiotic-resistant bacteria, are a serious issue for horses and veterinarians alike. For example, antibiotic-resistant diseases like Clostridium difficile wreak havoc on the equine gastrointestinal system and kidneys. According to US Equestrian, “As this bacteria has changed, it’s become harder to find antibiotics that are appropriate to treat it… a Clostridium difficile infection can be devastating.”

Improper use of oral antibiotics is well known to cause antibiotic resistance, but few equestrians are aware of the role of antibiotic ointments in creating resistant bacteria. Equestrians routinely turn to these creams and ointments to treat even the most minor wounds and abrasions, particularly in the United States where they are sold without a prescription.

Until now, equestrians have been faced with choosing between superbug-creating antibiotic ointments and colorful powders and sprays that dry out the damaged skin so severely they can retard healing. Now, there’s a new option on the market: Zarasyl. Over a decade of research has gone into the patented science behind this barrier cream. The silicate technology was initially designed for human skin issues but the benefits were soon realised for equine skin care challenges as well.

Both antibiotic and steroid-free, Zarasyl is a competition-safe way to manage skin infections like pastern dermatitis, as well as lacerations and similar injuries. Unlike drying powders and sprays, Zarasyl creates a super moisturising environment shown to be excellent for wound healing. It contains a proprietary amorphous silica tailored to provide sustained delivery of orthosilicic acid to the skin. Orthosilicic acid is the bioavailable form of silicon associated with healthy connective tissue growth.

Veterinarians have seen huge success when managing wounds and skin infections with Zarasyl Equine. When asked about the barrier cream, Dr. Tony Kimmons of Franklin Equine Services said, “I’ve had several cases with deep penetrating wounds with extensive skin loss that responded extremely well to Zarasyl.”

To learn more about Zarasyl, go to the website or contact Adrienne Magnier at

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