Bimeda UK is pleased to announce the launch of Oxytobel 10 IU/ml solution for injection for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, dogs and cats. Containing oxytocin, 10 IU/ml, the product is indicated for use in the mare, cow, sow, ewe, nanny, bitch and queen, for:
- The promotion of milk let-down in cases of agalactia,
- The stimulation of uterine contraction to aid parturition,
- The promotion of involution of the uterus,
- And to aid in the control of post-partum haemorrhage.
Bimeda UK General Manager Mark Cokayne commented, “we are pleased to add another product to Bimeda’s broad POM-V range. Oxytobel 10 IU/ml solution for injection for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, dogs and cats offers many great benefits including zero milk and meat withdrawal and the added convenience of being licensed for IM and SC use. Slow IV administration may also be given at a one-third dose rate. The product is available in a convenient 25ml size.”
Practices who are interested in learning more about the product should contact their local Bimeda sales representative, or call Bimeda on 01248 725 400. Full product information can be found on the SPC which is hosted on the VMD database, as well as on the data sheet which can be found on the website. Oxytobel 10 IU/ml solution for injection for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, dogs and cats is now available to order from your preferred wholesaler.