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VetPartners strengthens Clinical Board

Vetpartners has underlined its commitment to supporting practices to deliver the best possible care of patients by strengthening its Clinical Board with two key appointments

The York-headquartered veterinary group, Vetpartners, wants to boost how it generates data and new research to enable its clinical teams across its UK practices to continue to improve the future health and welfare of the animals they treat.

Dr Jenny Stavisky has been appointed clinical research manager to support the diverse range of research within VetPartners, while Hannah Doit has joined the group as patient data manager to provide data for research and quality improvement. They will support the work of the VetPartners clinical board and all of our practices to deliver data to support the decisions we make in practice.

VetPartners is made up of 188 of the UK’s most respected and trusted small animal, equine, mixed and farm practices, with more than 7,000 employees working in around 550 sites.

Director of Clinical Research and Excellence in Practice, Rachel Dean, said: “As we grow as a business, it is important we have a strong Clinical Board support team with different skills.

“Jenny will look at how we generate new data, research and evidence that is essential for clinical practice so we can progress veterinary healthcare together. She will work closely with our ethics group so that any research we are involved in is safe for our patients and the people involved. With colleagues, Jenny will also roll out business-wide Journal Clubs to help keep our knowledge up to date and bring together people in the business to understand research better. And Hannah will be looking at how we can best use data within practice management systems to do good research and deliver large scale Quality Improvement projects.

“Maximising the use of our own data will enable us to make the best possible decisions about the animals we treat and for our clients, and give confidence to our clinical teams.”

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