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Clinical Coach Congress for 2022

Tickets are now available for the 2022 Clinical Coach Congress, a unique conference aimed at clinical coaches wishing to develop the key role they play in the professional development of their students

The Clinical Coach Congress is a unique conference aimed at clinical coaches wishing to develop the key role they play in the professional development of their students. Year on year, the conference has continued to develop, even through the difficult and turbulent times of the past couple of years, dedicated purely to supporting clinical coaches in practice.

The Clinical Coach Congress event, now the largest of its kind, has remained virtual since the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing delegates to attend from anywhere in the United Kingdom and overseas with interactive software to present an engaging online experience. This year the Congress is sponsored by VetSkill and will host industry expert speakers and renowned exhibitors including Vets4Pets, Linnaeus and Leucillin.

The agenda for the Clinical Coach Congress is a jam-packed, industry-relevant timetable comprised of lectures from speakers and live Q&A sessions for the delegates. Topics include OSCE preparation, an ePortfolio masterclass, maximising placement time with SVNS, time management or energy management and maintaining motivation as a clinical coach with speakers ranging from VN programme leaders to deputy CEOs.

Bookings for the Clinical Coach Congress are open, and anyone who books before the 13 May 2022 will receive the Early Bird Discount. This discount saves delegates £60 on their ticket, making the cost of Congress just £125 plus VAT. As part of their ticket, delegates receive online access to recordings of all lectures and lectures from previous congresses up until the 2023 event.

There will also be a virtual event pack sent to all delegates with snacks, surprise goodies and a £15 Just Eat voucher for lunch during the event.

The 2022 Clinical Coach Congress is a fantastic event not just for those already working as clinical coaches, but also to anyone interested in becoming a clinical coach or those who are involved in veterinary nurse training in practice. More information on the event, the agenda, speakers, exhibitors and to book can be found on the congress website.

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