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Invoxia forms prestigious Scientific Board

Invoxia’s Scientific Board brings together key international specialists in pet health, enabling them to reshuffle the deck in pet health

Invoxia has announced the formation of its Scientific Advisory Board, made up of a biogerontologist from the University of Washington and a renowned veterinarian from the National Veterinary School of Alfort, France. The new board will push forward the boundaries of animal health and put its expertise at the service of pet health.

The Scientific Advisory Board will support the company in enhancing the value of biomarkers tracked by Smart Dog Collar, the first biometric dog collar announced at CES 2022, and in the design of future products and services. Smart Dog Collar features unique “sensor fusion” technology, a combination of highly innovative sensors including a miniature radar boosted by cutting-edge artificial intelligence algorithms. With this, it monitors respiratory and cardiac rates as well as detects anomalies. Applied to animal well-being, these innovations will make it possible to revolutionise our understanding of pet health and open the door to truly preventative medicine.

With the imminent launch of Smart Dog Collar, Invoxia brings a new dimension to pet health and the new board brings a wealth of experience to the company, further solidifying its dedication to bringing a product to market and its commitment to the future of monitoring a pet’s well-being.

Invoxia has formed the Scientific Advisory Board with high profile international experts including a veterinary cardiac specialist and biogerontologist specialising in pathologies linked to canine ageing. Each member brings specific medical expertise about topics which are at the heart of the technology Invoxia is developing.

The scientific board is composed of the following eminent scientists:

Dr Valérie Chetboul is the director of the Cardiovascular Unit at the Alfort National Veterinary School in France and an expert in the detection of cardiac conditions. She is a member of numerous international committees of experts in the field of “veterinary cardiology”. She is the only professor-research clinician among the French National Veterinary, and the only woman to be classed in the top 1 percent of most cited authors in their field (ISI Web of Knowledge, Plant and Animal Sciences).

Dr Valérie Chetboul states that, “The technologies mastered by Invoxia have the potential to democratise the monitoring of key physiological indicators in dogs, including the capacity for early detection and monitoring of the most common cardiovascular risks. As a veterinary cardiologist, I am delighted to discuss with the engineers of this company and participate in its scientific board, in order to accompany it with its development, and as such contribute to improving canine health.”

Dr Daniel Promislow is a biogerontologist at the University of Washington where he co-directs the “Dog Ageing Project”, a research project that seeks to determine the biological and environmental causes of aging in dogs, and ensure a healthy way of life. The project is financed in particular by the NIH, the NSF and the Ellison Medical Foundation.

Dr Daniel Promislow said, “As an enthusiast of the use of technology to better understand the health of our dogs, I saw a very promising approach in Invoxia’s projects and I am happy to support them as a member of their scientific board.”

Thanks to their medical proficiency, the board members bring all the expertise needed for the development of products, the assurance that the algorithms are relevant, and supporting scientific  reliability. Their medical expertise is complementary to the technological part already mastered by Invoxia. 

With Smart Dog Collar, Invoxia offers long-term monitoring of vital signs and daily activity with non-invasive connected sensors. By collecting unique health data, Invoxia wants to expand the boundaries of our understanding of pet health. Daily, long-term data collection of dog health data will enable the support of veterinary research and identify new biomarkers for certain diseases that give further insight into the prevention of canine pathologies. Invoxia will be able to evolve the services offered by Smart Dog Collar through the analysis of data collected and propose new ones dedicated to safeguarding animal health. The Scientific Board will also assist Invoxia in identifying key partners for the use of the data collected (for research, etc), positioning the startup as the cornerstone of pet health.

For Amélie Caudron, CEO of Invoxia, “As a specialist in connected objects boosted by artificial intelligence, our relationship with leading international veterinarians opens new doors both for veterinary research and for the detection of new biomarkers.”

The company has already collected tens of millions of days of pet activity with its previous generation sensor, the Pet Tracker. To go even further, Invoxia will be releasing the first easy to wear biometric collar that combines cardiac, respiratory and activity monitoring. A revolution in  canine health, Smart Dog Collar, announced at CES Las Vegas 2022 will be on the market later this year. Equipped with unique “sensor fusion” technology, a combination of highly innovative sensors, including a miniaturised radar, and artificial intelligence algorithms.

Smart Dog Collar: a biometric health collar…

Invoxia has developed a patent pending range of sensors, including a miniaturised radar paired with  artificial intelligence algorithms. The radar sensor makes it possible to detect the microscopic movement of the skin, no matter what sort of coat the dog has. Thanks to AI, the collar can differentiate between “parasitic” vibrations in order to provide information that is directly understandable like the dog’s normal state and their resting respiratory and heart rate. Identification of anomalies makes early disease detection possible.

…that will reinvent pet health

A combined tool for detection and prevention, the Smart Dog Collar is a connected collar that is able to identify and monitor illness in a simple, intuitive and continuous manner. Whether during daily activities, or while resting, this biometric collar can, for example, monitor post surgery recovery, help evaluate treatment efficacy, monitor heart disease, or keep tabs on respiratory health. Via the Invoxia application, this data can inform and alert the owner or be sent directly to the veterinarian. This is particularly helpful for pets which need a more regular monitoring of their resting heart and respiratory rate.

Well suited for medium to large dogs, the location of the trackers ensures reliability even through thick fur. The weight distribution was carefully calculated to ensure ideal comfort no matter what your dog is doing.

Sleek and elegant, Smart Dog Collar will be available in a range of colors. Waterproof and dust resistant, it can be washed if necessary. The Smart Dog Collar will be available late Autumn 2022 with an expected price of £99.00 plus a monthly subscription of £12.99.

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