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IVC Evidensia launches raft of new research support after milestone hit

IVC Evidensia’s Group Veterinary Medical Board has recently awarded 19 new research funding grants

IVC Evidensia’s Group Veterinary Medical Board has recently awarded 19 new research funding grants, but they aren’t planning on stopping there.

As well as increasing the level of funding for research as a whole, IVC Evidensia have now launched easy to access, guaranteed financial support to meet the costs of publication and presentation at national or international conferences.

This comes after reaching the milestone of 39 successfully funded projects from around the group since developing the initial research focus in October 2020. Subjects have included anaesthesia, dermatology, internal medicine, exotics, neurology, orthopaedics, cardiology, equine medicine, infection prevention and soft tissue surgery. These projects join the list of around 150 active research projects from within the nurse, GP and referral communities within IVC Evidensia.

One of those who received a recent funding grant is Marco Marcatilli, who commented: “The in vitro tenoscopy project funded by IVC Evidensia will allow us to ensure we have the most appropriate approach into the tendon sheath in heavier breeds of horse. This will potentially reduce time during surgery and post-operative complications. We look forward to reporting our findings.”

Researchers have come from a huge array of backgrounds including specialists, referral vets, residents, interns, nurses and general practitioners. Notable projects that have made a positive impact have been studies into staff wellbeing from Southern Counties Vet Specialists and nurse career development as part of an MA Thesis in Finland.

Alistair Cliff, IVC Evidensia’s deputy chief medical officer said: “Our mission is for IVC Evidensia to provide the very best environment for research and innovation within the veterinary sector globally. We believe that research has no borders, and this is epitomised by the recent funding round by the GVMB across UK, France, NL, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Switzerland and Finland. It is clear to us that access to research support adds enormous job satisfaction and is a critical way for us to ensure we can attract the very best talent from around the world.”

In addition to the core research support, Europe’s fastest growing veterinary group has also chosen to expand the scope by guaranteeing that the costs of publication and travel to present a research project, will be covered. This is to make sure the project gets the recognition it deserves, and the researcher does not face any financial limitations during the process.

Gayle Hallowell, IVC Evidensia’s newly appointed director of veterinary professional development said: “We are aware that many other sources of funding will exclude the costs incurred to publish or present a completed research project. As a large employer we want to remove that barrier.”

Gayle went on to say, “When it comes to publication, the GVMB have guaranteed to pick up the cost of inclusion in a peer-reviewed scientific journal of the applicant’s choice. Far too often the researcher is forced to pick up the cost of publication themselves, which can be a frustrating and often means that the research is not published in the best place.”

She also explained that “the GVMB have pledged to cover the costs of travel and accommodation for the main researcher on the project to the tune of £500 for national congresses and £1,000 for international congresses. This will ensure the researcher is able to showcase their research findings to the most influential audience and can highlight their scientific contributions to the veterinary community”.

Alistair continued by offering the following on future research projects and the positioning of the GVMB: “One of the key strengths we have as a company is harnessing the collective power of scale, empowering collaboration within and between countries. By making a commitment towards funding viable research projects at this stage, we can take huge strides in the years to come. The research of today is the evidence of tomorrow.”

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