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Sustainable Forestry project receives donation from Davies

Davies Veterinary Specialists  is supporting the Forestal el Arriero Sustainable Forestry project in Uruguay by donating the equivalent of 30 percent of Davies’ carbon emissions during 2020

Sustainability champion Davies Veterinary Specialists (Davies), the Hertfordshire-based small animal referral practice, is supporting the Forestal el Arriero Sustainable Forestry project in Uruguay by donating £2,250. The amount represents 30 percent of Davies’ carbon emissions during 2020, via international credits.

The Sustainable Forestry project in Uruguay represents the conversion of land in the east of the country, previously under extensive grazing by beef cattle, to high quality and high value timber production, expected to be used for long-lived products and so ensuring continued carbon storage.

Forests are re-planted after felling, providing continuous rotations of carbon capture.

The Sustainable Forestry project initiative contributes to sustainable development in Uruguay through increased and improved employment, rural development, an improved national balance of payments through exports and value-added activity, the preservation of biodiversity and the improvement of soil quality.

Although established on former grazing land there has not been any displacement of grazing activity. Planting is planned and laid out to protect habitat connectivity. Forestry is expected to employ more than twice as many people in the region as the displaced grazing, and also create conditions for investment in downstream timber industries.

Davies’ donation to the Sustainable Forestry project is being carried out via Forest Carbon, as a trusted Investors in the Environment (iiE) partner Forest Carbon | Investors in the Environment.

“This inspiring [Sustainable Forestry] project not only drives Agricultural, forestry and landscape sustainability but it also provides enhanced employment opportunities, preserves biodiversity and protects habitats,” said  Rachel Evans, who is the green group manager at Davies. “This is in-line with our company values and beliefs of making a better world for animals by improving the health and well-being of people, animals and the planet as well as being in line with our CPD biodiversity focus from last year.”

Linnaeus-owned Davies has an exemplary sustainability pedigree, holding Green Level accreditation from iiE, which is the highest level awarded. The practice achieved a first for the veterinary profession back in 2020 by winning the iiE Sustainability Influencer Business of the Year. Last year Davies became the Natural Environment Champion at the 2021 iiE Awards.

This year Ellie West, who is environmental sustainability lead for Linnaeus nationally and an RCVS and EBVS European specialist in veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia at Davies, collected the Webinar Vet Most Green Individual award. Ellie was also recognised as Sustainability Influencer Individual of the Year 2020. 

To find out more about Davies’ sustainability initiatives please visit their website

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