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Triumphant return for VET festival 2022

More than 2,000 delegates celebrated the return of VET festival 2022, enjoying two days of learning alongside well-being activities, a pub quiz and the legendary VETFest live party

More than 2,000 delegates celebrated the return of VET festival in style, enjoying two days of learning, combined with well-being activities, including music, yoga, face-painting, a pub quiz and the legendary VETFest live party night.  The event took place at Loseley Park, Guildford on 20-21 May 2022.

With lecture tents packed, delegates participated in lively sessions exploring the latest thinking across a wide range of areas of clinical practice, practice development and well-being. Speakers included Dr Tom Dutton, a European specialist in avian medicine; European and RCVS specialist in small animal surgery (soft tissue) Dr Jon Bray; RVN and BVNA council member Jack Pye, and RCVS specialist in feline medicine Dr Nicki Reed.

MWI Animal Health, the event’s headline partner, reported record take-up of its ‘bike-powered’ smoothies and a full house for its friday night pub quiz.  Head of Marketing, Zoe Iliffe, said: “We were thrilled to welcome friends old and new to our stand for a chat and to see so many of them taking up the challenge to use ‘pedal-power’ to create their own delicious smoothie. 

“Sustainability is one of the founding principles of VET festival so it was also great to see the interest in our latest electric van, which we were demonstrating at the event, and to talk to vets and nurses about their sustainability goals in practice”.

VET festival 2022 differentiates itself from other CPD events through its outdoor location and its focus on well-being – both in terms of the lectures and the activities on offer outside the lecture tents. With delegate and exhibitor numbers up since 2019, it is proving a successful formula. Comments from delegates included:

  • ‘A fun and refreshing way to learn, network and look after yourself in what is currently a strained profession. This is my favourite CPD event every year!’
  • ‘One of the nicest conferences I’ve ever been to. That’s why I come all the way from Germany.’
  • ‘It makes you feel proud and inspired by your profession – a real community feel.’

Brian Faulkner, co-founder of Colourful CPD, who spoke at the event said: “VET Festival was a fantastic event. It was lovely to see so many people back together again in a relaxed setting, that combines education in a laidback context, with the ever-expanding exhibition and entertainment. The lectures were well attended and we made lots of new contacts. The band on the Friday evening was amazing!”

Nicole Cooper, VET festival’s managing director, added: “The atmosphere this year was absolutely brilliant with the glorious sunshine on Saturday the icing on the cake. It was a privilege to see so many dedicated veterinary professionals enjoying spending time together in the fresh air, learning, laughing, reconnecting, relaxing and generally just having a good time.

“We could not run VET festival 2022 without the generous support of our partners. We particularly thank our headline partner MWIAH for its deep commitment to the event, even during the uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We also thank our newer partners, ManyPets, Medivet and Vetoquinol-Felpreva for supporting us on this journey.”

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