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First welfare webinar of 2022 looks at “the whole horse approach”

World Horse Welfare’s popular Welfare Wednesday Webinar series returns Wednesday 26th January to discuss the “whole horse approach”

After a break over the midwinter season, World Horse Welfare’s popular Welfare Wednesday Webinar series returns this Wednesday (26 January) at 7pm. The webinars – which tackle all aspects of horse care and management – launch with a look at “the whole horse approach” or how you can help equine health professionals work together to support your horse.

The whole horse approach webinar will welcome a team of equine health professionals to talk to us about how they work together to treat the horse as a whole. Importantly, they will also explain how we, as owners and carers, can be confident that the professional we are using to help our horse is the right one.

Veterinarian Lucy Grieve will guide us through the types of allied professionals that may be chosen to help treat horses and the central role that the vet often plays. Lucy will be joined on the panel by farrier Rebecca Lowe, AWCF, chartered and veterinary physiotherapist Kate Stephens and equine dental technician James Arkley.

The speakers will discuss how their roles complement each other and highlight what owners and carers should consider when deciding which specialists to use. They will also explain what checks we should carry out before allowing anyone to treat our horses.

The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A session in which you will have the chance to “ask the experts” any questions you may have.

By registering for the webinar through Zoom, you will be able to take part in the various polls, ask questions during the Q&A and enjoy an interactive experience. If you are keen to be part of the conversation, then please join.

The webinars are free to attend and if you are unable to attend via Zoom they can be viewed as a Facebook Live session.

Don’t worry of you have missed any of the previous webinars – which have tackled subjects as fascinating and diverse as keeping horses fit, weight management, euthanasia, biosecurity, horse mental well-being and travelling – they are all available to watch on the World Horse Welfare YouTube channel.

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