VetSurgeon.org and Improve Veterinary Practice are hosting a Clinical Article Club session where all vets have the opportunity to put questions to Ed Hall about his article on the endoscopic retrieval of foreign bodies.
Ed Hall is emeritus professor of small animal internal medicine at the University of Bristol.
He is one of only a handful of RCVS recognised specialists in small animal medicine (gastroenterology).
For those new to our Clinical Article Club, the idea is that every two weeks, we pick an article in Veterinary Practice and invite the author to join us on VetSurgeon.org, so that you can ask questions and discuss the subject with one another.
As a bonus, you can claim time spent reading or participating in the discussion towards your annual CPD requirement (press the claim CPD button at the top right of the question thread).
To take part in this session, first read Ed’s article on our website, then head over to VetSurgeon.org to post your questions or discussion points!