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Lisa To wins Ceva’s feline hypertension waiting room display competition

Ceva have announced Lisa To as the winner of their Feline Hypertension Awareness Month waiting room display competition

Ceva Animal Health, manufacturer of Amodip, has announced the winner of its Feline Hypertension Awareness Month waiting room display competition.

Lisa To, registered veterinary nurse (RVN) at Albavet Veterinary Hospital in Kirkcaldy, Fife, won a doppler machine for her veterinary practice in recognition of “thinking outside the box” to creatively “make the invisible, visible” during Feline Hypertension Awareness Month in May. 

Her eye-catching display featured a toy cat with a cuff around its leg to demonstrate how quick and easy it is to get a cat’s blood pressure checked.

It also included cat case studies and feline hypertension facts and figures to really bring the reality of feline hypertension home to practice clients.

Sarah Caney, BVSc, PhD, DSAM(Feline), MRCVS, RCVS specialist in feline medicine and one of the competition judges, commented: “The Albavet Veterinary Hospital waiting room display was a great example of creatively highlighting the importance of feline hypertension, which affects approximately one in five cats nine years or over.  

“This fantastic educational display also showcased the ease of taking blood pressure which the ISFM advises should be checked at least once a year in cats aged seven years or over.”

Commenting on the award, Lisa To says: “The team at Albavet and I are really grateful to Ceva for the doppler blood pressure monitor.  

“We’ll be using it to keep up our high standard of clinical care provided for every cat that walks through our doors, ensuring we raise awareness with clients of the risks of hypertension.  Go team Albavet!”

For further information on Amodip, please contact your local Ceva Animal Health account manager or email in.

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