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RCVS Knowledge invites applications for its 2024 Awards

RCVS Knowledge have announced the opening of applications for their 2024 quality improvement and antimicrobial stewardship awards

Veterinary charity RCVS Knowledge is delighted to announce the opening of applications for the 2024 RCVS Knowledge Awards.  

Applicants can apply to the following awards: 

The QI Awards celebrate individuals and teams who have effectively applied recognised QI techniques that advance the quality of care, and lead to enhanced outcomes for patients and teams.

The AMS Awards showcase practical examples where individuals and teams are improving responsible antimicrobial prescribing. 

In an exciting development, RCVS Knowledge has introduced new categories in the QI Awards, highlighting the tangible impact of QI on delivering care.

Categories include improvements to animal welfare, sustainability, efficiency, effectiveness, team well-being and client care.

The AMS Awards invite applications from veterinary professionals or teams treating a range of species, with categories in companion, equine and farm animal.

Applications to the QI and AMS Awards can be from practice or education settings. 

Executive Director at RCVS Knowledge, Chris Gush said: “Our awards program has seen remarkable growth since its establishment in 2018, showcasing the increasing adoption of quality improvement (QI) techniques by veterinary teams in their day-to-day practice.

“This positive trend has not only prompted us to expand our awards to the important issue of antimicrobial stewardship, but also reflects the professions commitment to advancing patient care through continuous improvement.”

“The RCVS Knowledge Awards present a valuable opportunity to celebrate exemplary practices and highlight inspiring examples that motivate others to enhance outcomes and advance the standard of veterinary care.”

RCVS Knowledge Awards winners will receive a £250 prize, work with RCVS Knowledge to promote their project and have the chance to attend an awards ceremony.  

The RCVS Knowledge Awards are open for applications until 12 January 2024: apply online today.

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