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Update your Compendium app for new features supporting responsible prescribing and use

NOAH has issued a new version of the Compendium app that includes new features to make it even more useful to prescribers and users of veterinary medicine

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The National Office for Animal Health (NOAH) has issued a new version of the Compendium app, including new features to make it even more useful to prescribers and users of veterinary medicines. Current users should visit their webstore to download the latest edition.

Improvements include a list of new and updated datasheets, so users can check for important changes easily and a much-improved search function. Users can make notes and bookmark data sheets, and there’s much more information in the menu too.

Dawn Howard, NOAH chief executive said: “When we stopped production of the Compendium book, we undertook research about what users of our app wanted to see to make it even better.

“Taking this feedback on board, we have introduced improvements to the app and the NOAH Compendium website to make them even more useful to veterinary medicine prescribers.

“As well as to help fulfil NOAH’s environmental objectives, a key reason for stopping production of the Compendium book was that whereas the app and website are up to date, the book could be out of date even before it reached prescribers.

“Within the NOAH Code of Practice for the Promotion of Animal Medicines, any changes to an SPC must, within 30 calendar days of approval by the relevant regulatory authority, be reflected in the Data Sheet and on the NOAH Compendium website, from which the app information is taken.

“When the app is connected to wi-fi or mobile data it will indicate if updates have been made to datasheets to bring the app in line with the information on the website.

“The app is still accessible offline, updates to datasheets will sync when reconnected to wi-fi or mobile data.

“The NOAH Code also specifies that any significant changes to an SPC that require updates to existing datasheets that are important for prescribers and end users to be aware of must also, within 30 days, be added to the ‘new and updated datasheets’ section of the NOAH Compendium website.

“Our new Activity tab in the app will show new products added to the compendium and existing datasheets that have had a significant update made to them and describes what the changes are. This notification is also clearly visible within any changed data sheet.

“This will make it much easier for prescribers to see what has changed and support responsible prescribing and use”, she added.

The search facility on the updated Compendium app is now much more powerful, including auto suggestion when a search is started, display of recent previous searches, the ability to search within a data sheet and filtering data sheets allows multiple filters to be applied at once.

“On the website, there is also now a filter by legal category – this will be introduced to the app in due course.

Dawn Howard added: “If you use the app already, we hope you find these changes useful – they were the main things suggested by our users.

“We still welcome feedback as we look to continue to develop both the app and the web versions.

“And if you don’t – what are you waiting for? There is no log-in required, no need to sign up for an account, and it’s all still free to access.

“Usage via Androids has tripled since July 2020, going from around 2,000 active users per day to over 6,000. Over 450 Apple users downloaded the app in the last month alone.

“Look for NOAH Compendium on either Google Play (for Android devices) or the App store (for iphones) – and help support responsible prescribing and use.”

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