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Vets pumping after success of The Animal Heartbeat podcast

A podcast by two veterinary cardiac specialists has made an immediate impact among colleagues in the profession

The first episodes of The Animal Heartbeat, by RCVS recognised specialists in cardiology Kieran Borgeat and Jose Novo Matos, have already been downloaded over 1,200 times!

Kieran, clinical director at Linnaeus-owned Eastcott Referrals in Swindon, and Jose, principal clinical cardiologist at the University of Cambridge, are delighted with the response, and hoping to build on that initial success.

Kieran explained: “The Animal Heartbeat is aimed at all veterinary professionals with an interest in veterinary cardiology – vets, vet nurses, technicians and students, from all over the world.

“The podcasts are fortnightly, lively conversations about heart disease in animals, featuring some of the most experienced cardiology vets in the world.

“They include up-to-date knowledge and opinion, with top-tips for the practical approach to pets with heart disease, and fantastic nuggets of experiential learning.

“We’re hoping to really engage with listeners in this fascinating specialty and get them involved in our podcast.

“They can ask us and our guests about that question which has been bugging them for a while or discuss topical matters, such as a key piece of research or latest development.

“We’d love them to follow us on social media, @heartbeat_pod on Twitter and Instagram, and contribute so we can discuss important questions from our listeners in each episode.”

The first episodes, discussing feline cardiomyopathy and heart murmurs in puppies, are available now on all the leading podcast platforms.

Future topics will include treatment of feline heart disease, prognostic indicators for mitral valve disease in dogs and aortic stenosis.

Eastcott Referrals offers expert care in cardiology, dentistry, internal medicine, ophthalmology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthopaedics, soft tissue surgery, laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, diagnostic imaging and CT, anaesthetics & analgesia and has its own Emergency Care Centre.

For more information about Eastcott Referrals, which is part of Linnaeus, visit their wesbite.

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