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Rabbit Awareness Week: free veterinary resource packs available ahead of this year’s launch

A wealth of activities designed to raise awareness around neutering and its benefits, including vet blogs, videos and case studies

With less than two weeks to go until Rabbit Awareness Week (RAW), the organisers behind the UK’s largest campaign are urging veterinary practices to get involved by downloading a RAW pack containing a wealth of free resources, which is available from today. 

The theme for this year’s RAW, which takes place from 24-28 June, is Healthy Diet, Happy Bunnies. This follows the publication of the PAW Report, which found that only 73 percent of owners feed hay as one of their rabbits’ main foods and 13 percent feed muesli mix as one of the main types of food their bunnies eat. Such diets have been linked to a variety of health problems, including obesity, dental disease and gastrointestinal disease.  

Dr Suzanne Moyes MVB, MRCVS, deputy managing director and in-house vet at Burgess Pet Care, organisers of RAW, says: “We know that the vet community plays an important role in ensuring that owners have access to the right information about rabbits’ welfare needs. From today, you can download a free RAW vet pack packed full of resources including rabbit care guides, health logs and printable posters so you can create eye-catching displays.  

“It’s been fantastic to see so many practices offering rabbit owners free nurse consults and discounts and sharing lots of information about rabbits on their social media channels during previous RAW campaigns. We’d love to see more practices than ever before getting behind this important initiative. 

“With the support of Woodgreen Pets Charity, the RSPCA, Blue Cross and Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare, we want to ensure that RAW continues to improve the welfare of rabbits across the country.” 

Rabbit Awareness Week takes place online over on the RAW social channels: 

During RAW, there will be a wealth of activities designed to raise awareness around neutering and its benefits, including vet blogs, videos and case studies. More information can be found here.

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