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“The leader I am, the leader I need to be”: CPD event for independent veterinary practice owners

Vetsure’s 2024 Think Tank CPD event invites independent veterinary practice owners and leaders are to explore their leadership style and how this can impact on the performance of the veterinary team

Vetsure’s 2024 Think Tank CPD event is taking place on October 15 and 16 at Hoar Cross Hall in Staffordshire. Titled, “The Leader I Am, The Leader I Need to Be: Creating a High-Performance Workplace”, the event will be led by Dr Ashley Gray (MA, VetMB, PhD, MRCVS), founder and Managing Director of Vetsure.

Key sessions will be delivered by Larry Schulman MBA, FCIPD, a strategic leadership consultant and executive coach who works with organisations including the NHS, Tesco, Coca-Cola, MacMillan Cancer Support, Heriot-Watt University and the London School of Economics (LSE). Through his stimulating and engaging style, Larry has also become a popular coach for practice leaders across the Vetsure network.

To kick off the event, Ashley will introduce the challenges and opportunities that he believes lie ahead for independent practices. “Ongoing disruption involving staffing, supply chains, client complaints and prehistoric computer systems have led to a ‘command and control’ system of management in our practices,” comments Ashley. “Not only is this approach inefficient, but it does not reflect the values that lead us to do what we do. Amongst other market changes, the Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA) Review will, in particular, offer both challenges and new opportunities for independent practices. At a time when value is being questioned, we need to return to a focus on improving standards and keeping veterinary teams motivated through powerful leadership.”

Focusing on leadership development, Larry will deliver a series of sessions on “The Four Capabilities of the Conscious and Deliberate Leader.” Themes will include: examining how leaders can become clear on their purpose, connect with their team, and how they can develop a visionary path for their organisation. Concentrating on enabling shifts in people, teams and organisations, Larry’s sessions are designed to consider what is needed from leaders to engage their teams and bring their visions to life.

“Through ongoing collaboration and our Think Tank CPD events, Vetsure is finding and sharing completely new ways to help independent practices stay at the forefront of the industry,” explains Ashley. “We feel it’s really important that practice owners and leaders have the opportunity to get together, network and share these ideas. The future is genuinely bright for our profession, and the independent sector in particular, and our 2024 Think Tank event provides a forum for the innovation that forward-thinking independent practice owners will bring to the veterinary sector.”

For more information on the Think Tank 2024 event can be found here.

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