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The receptionist’s role in preventative pet dental healthcare

Receptionists are perfectly situated to play a key role in client awareness and education of preventative pet dental healthcare due to their unique relationship with clients

British Veterinary Receptionist Association (BVRA) logo

Discussing pets’ dental health is generally thought of as the responsibility of the clinical team: the vet and the nurse. But can our veterinary receptionists be involved when it comes to discussing preventative pet dental healthcare options?

Why should receptionists be involved in discussing pet dental health with clients?

Receptionists have a greater opportunity to bond and talk with clients. They converse with clients, face to face, and generally spend time in their presence as they wait in the reception area. It is receptionists who get to enjoy the delight of new puppies and kittens, and share in the delight of their excited and enthusiastic owners. A result of this is the formation of relationships built on confidence and trust, which enables receptionists to effectively educate clients about preventative healthcare. Due to the nature of their non-clinical role, veterinary receptionists are often seen as more approachable and relatable by clients which can help when communicating information about preventative healthcare and explaining how products work and can benefit their pet.

Due to the nature of their non-clinical role, veterinary receptionists are often seen as more approachable and relatable by clients which can help when communicating information about preventative healthcare and explaining how products work and can benefit their pet

“The time receptionists spend with clients pre- and post-consult is the ideal opportunity to talk about their pet’s dental health. I think it’s fair to say that clients will sometimes feel more relaxed and be much more open and honest with the reception team, which can really help facilitate a productive conversation around dental care,” says Dan Johnson, Virbac UK.  

What exactly can receptionists do?

Most dental homecare products are not classified as prescription medicines, so there are no limitations on these products being recommended and/or sold by veterinary receptionists. Reception teams can strike up conversations quite organically with clients about dental health, dental disease and the implications of poor dental health. They can introduce methods of homecare where appropriate, listen to any objections or issues and encourage the introduction and compliance of preventative pet dental healthcare.

If receptionists are armed with the correct information about the products and the basic clinical aspects of dental disease, they are in a great position to listen to … common client concerns and help overcome them with confidence

There are many common concerns and issues that clients have surrounding the use of homecare routines for pet dental care. If receptionists are armed with the correct information about the products and the basic clinical aspects of dental disease, they are in a great position to listen to these common client concerns and help overcome them with confidence, ensuring owners are able to give their pets the best dental healthcare.

What impact can receptionists being involved in preventative pet dental healthcare have on the practice as a whole?

We can assess the impact of the receptionist’s role in preventative pet dental healthcare by looking at four key outcomes of a successful and sustainable veterinary service: clinical resolution, client satisfaction, financial resolution and colleague satisfaction (Figure 1).

The four key outcomes of successful and sustainable veterinary service to help assess the impact of the receptionists role in preventative pet dental healthcare
FIGURE (1) The four key outcomes of successful and sustainable veterinary service. Image credit: Colourful CPD

Clinical resolution

The benefit of having all members of the practice team focusing on preventative dental health with clients is that a greater number of pets will be given some form of dental homecare. The reception team can make a huge impact by educating clients which will improve the standard of dental care that they provide to their pets. This, in turn, can make a huge difference to their pets’ long-term health and well-being.

Client satisfaction

Veterinary receptionists can use dental healthcare as a conversation starter with clients, which will help to develop client–practice relationships. The emphasis placed on preventative healthcare for the patient will hopefully increase the client’s perception of their value to the practice and the genuine care felt for their pet. In return, this relationship between clients and receptionists builds loyalty to the practice.

Financial resolution

It goes without saying that increased opportunities and ability to communicate with clients about pet dental homecare products should result in an increase in over-the-counter sales. Furthermore, the enthusiasm and dedication of the receptionists in this area will help to encourage long-term use and repeat purchases.

‘A confident and knowledgeable reception team not only creates a great impression for clients, but also gives them the skills to be able to confidently sell the products being stocked in the waiting room’

“A confident and knowledgeable reception team not only creates a great impression for clients, but also gives them the skills to be able to confidently sell the products being stocked in the waiting room, which can provide a welcome source of additional revenue,” observes Dan Johnson.

Colleague satisfaction

Giving our receptionists the opportunity and knowledge required to promote and educate clients on their pets’ dental health plays a big part in making them feel valued as an important part of the practice team. Empowering and equipping your receptionist team to fulfil this task successfully highlights their ability to the clinical team and can increase respect and teamwork within the practice culture.

As previously mentioned, the delivery of an excellent preventative health programme and customer service develops client loyalty and, in turn, gives the practice a great reputation. Employees may feel pride and increased job satisfaction in working for such a practice.


The oral health of our pets requires a team approach with vets, nurses and receptionists all playing their part in client awareness and education.

Our reception teams are very influential and important to the successful day-to-day running of our practices. They are enthusiastic and want to provide the best customer service and to do what they can in their role to ensure the practice provides the best standards of care. It is important to encourage your practice to harness this passion, empower your reception teams and let them help to make a difference.

For further information about the BVRA, please visit their website.

Lynsey Sadiwskyj


Lynsey Sadiwskyj, VN, started her career as a veterinary receptionist before moving into veterinary nursing. She spent seven years as a territory manager in industry, before working as a practice manager. Lynsey is the Business Support Manager for the BVRA and Colourful CPD.

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