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SPVS congress: helping practices survive the recession

Next month’s congress of the Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS) will focus on the current economic crisis and, in particular, what practices can do to not only survive but thrive during the downturn.

To be held at the Belfry Hotel in Warwickshire from 7th to 10th May, the theme of Coping with the credit crunch – making things pay when times are tough is aimed at the entire practice team from vets and practice managers to veterinary nurses and receptionists.

On Friday Alison Lambert and her team from Onswitch will look at ways of surviving the recession under the heading Small changes can make a big impact! With one stream for owners and senior managers and one for employees and junior managers, the streams will come together for some activities and split for others.

On Saturday, motivational speaker Philip Hesketh will discuss The psychology of persuasion and influence. There will also be sessions on digital photography.

The SPVS president, Richard Hillman, says it’s about the whole team working together and about empowering employees to show their employers how they care about the practice, want it to be economically successful and then share in that success.

Dunlop’s Question Time on Sunday morning will give delegates their annual opportunity to quiz a number of leading lights within the profession. This year’s charity lecture will be from the Orangutan Foundation.

For more information, and to book places, contact the SPVS office on 01926 410 454 or e-mail

  • SPVS is holding a special event on 23rd April for practitioners wanting advice on how to deal with the current economic downturn. Venue is the Holiday Inn in Milton Keynes.

Presented by Hazlewoods LLP, the event will cover areas such as benchmarking, using financial information to make improvements in performance, the financial value of your staff, marketing and client care, practice valuation, limited liability partnerships and tax.

Delegates will also be guided through the key steps they would need to take when buying into an established veterinary business.

Costs for the one-day course are £150 (plus VAT) for the first delegate and £130 (plus VAT) for a second delegate from the same practice. For details, contact the SPVS office.

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