26 January 2022 “One thing [students] often remark on at the end of a week is how often I do nothing”Read now
31 December 2021 “No one would want an RCVS inspector interrogating a vet or nurse in their practice on their clinical competence, or watching ops and anaesthesia”Read now
22 December 2021 Putting my head above the parapet: the challenges of designing a conference CPD programmeRead now
13 December 2021 “For him, the whole of life is a grand failure, which, I must say, isn’t my view of the world at all”Read now
25 November 2021 “Most practices will likely regularly lose people for 10-day stretches this winter”Read now
17 November 2021 “When asked why they hadn’t chosen veterinary medicine, my three boys said in unison that I worked far too hard”Read now
15 November 2021 “One can imagine that Mr Bond may have an approach to risk such that he is more likely to ‘take a chance’”Read now
27 September 2021 “The AI system was better than any of the individual ophthalmologists at diagnosing conditions affecting the retina”Read now
23 September 2021 “Often the core criticism or concern with money going to animal welfare is the belief that if it wasn’t being given to animals it would go to people”Read now
16 September 2021 “This is not merely leaving foxes to run hen-houses, it is asking foxes to design them too”Read now
20 August 2021 “It’s imposter syndrome. You trick yourself into believing that there must be some sort of mistake in you getting where you are”Read now
16 August 2021 “Sometimes you just happen to cross paths with a person who likes the cut of your jib and you like the sound of their job”Read now
12 August 2021 “Why can we physically buy an instrument to deal with something that does not exist?”Read now
23 July 2021 “Much of what we have to treat cannot be judged by specialists, who only see the pinnacle of unusual cases”Read now