16 July 2021 The effects of corporate ownership on equine practice: the good, the bad and the uglyRead now
23 June 2021 “How much of this technology will be appropriate to veterinary practice will depend on a variety of factors, not least getting things to stick to pets and stopping them chewing them off and eating them!”Read now
11 June 2021 “Do we value only that which we can measure or should we rather seek to measure what we value?”Read now
21 May 2021 “Unless you are having a bit of a laugh my feeling is that you’re not learning as well as you could”Read now
14 May 2021 “It is okay and only natural to make mistakes – we are all human after all, no matter how many letters are after your name”Read now
23 April 2021 “It’s so much more satisfying knowing why you are doing something, rather than doing it because the books tell you”Read now
12 April 2021 “Drawing the line between concern and paralysing fear comes with the experience of passing many humdrum days where nothing very exciting happens”Read now
1 March 2021 “Maybe I have spent too long dealing with cattle sheds and pneumonia, but ‘please open some windows!’”Read now
1 March 2021 “‘Every day is a school day’, so it would be very sad if I felt I had learned everything I could”Read now
1 February 2021 “It often takes a period of adversity to force change that, if guided and nurtured, will turn out to be change for the better”Read now
7 December 2020 “Let’s give the Official Veterinarians engaged in export certification a voice to speak their minds”Read now
7 December 2020 “Social media regularly misrepresents exotic animals as suitable pets and downplays the problems”Read now
7 December 2020 “Kindness goes a long way, but bullying and cruel comments can stay with people forever”Read now