Ashton Hollwarth
Ashton Hollwarth, BSc, BVMS, CertAVP (Zoo Med), ANZCVS (Avian Medicine & Surgery), DipECZM (Avian), MRCVS, studied in Western Australia before moving to the UK after graduating. Following a short time in general practice, she completed her residency in avian medicine and surgery at Great Western Exotics. Ashton currently works exclusively in avian and exotics, and her clinical interests include avian and exotic anaesthesia, parrot behaviour and small mammal surgery.
Ashton gained her Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Practice in Zoological Medicine in 2020, became an Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine in 2021 and gained membership by examination to the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists’ Avian Chapter in 2022. She became a diplomat of the European College of Zoological Medicine as a specialist in avian medicine and surgery in 2024.