28 October 2022 “If someone loves their pet or horse or highly values their farm, would they go hunting for the cheapest vets in town?” Read now
23 August 2022 “We need to follow the evidence, but we also need to try to work out what the data is not saying, what is missing and why. We need to understand the evidence we don’t realise we have”Read now
25 July 2022 “Part of my lower brain had been activated and I knew I had to get out of there before the red mist came down”Read now
23 May 2022 “Of all the drawbacks to this profession of ours, one of the constants has been low pay”Read now
24 February 2022 “This situation started me thinking about how we need to have an open practice culture in all practices, which can permit criticism”Read now
31 January 2022 “Maybe we should make our downtime so stressful that when we come back to work, we are, relatively speaking, much more relaxed”Read now
31 December 2021 “No one would want an RCVS inspector interrogating a vet or nurse in their practice on their clinical competence, or watching ops and anaesthesia”Read now
25 November 2021 “Most practices will likely regularly lose people for 10-day stretches this winter”Read now
23 September 2021 “Often the core criticism or concern with money going to animal welfare is the belief that if it wasn’t being given to animals it would go to people”Read now
12 August 2021 “Why can we physically buy an instrument to deal with something that does not exist?”Read now