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Javier del Real Garcia

Javier del Real Garcia, LV, GPCert (Ophthal), MRCVS, is a resident at Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists. He graduated from the University of Cordoba Veterinary School in Spain and worked in several first opinion practices in his home country. Prior to moving to the UK, Javier worked in a small veterinary hospital for 3 years and during that period he gained a certificate in ophthalmology. He decided to make the move to the UK in 2020 and initially worked in a small first opinion practice in Weymouth. Following that he completed two ophthalmology internships. He is currently enrolled in another certificate in ophthalmology. He joined the ophthalmology team al Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists in December 2023 as an intern and started an ECVO residency under the supervision of Renata Stavinohova in February 2024.

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