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Marvin Firth

Anatomic pathologist at NationWide Laboratories

Dr Marvin Firth, BVSc (Hons), DipRCPath, DipFMS, AFHEA, MRSB, MRCVS, is an anatomic pathologist at NationWide Laboratories. He has experience in first- and second-opinion small animal, large animal and equine practice, including research into pregnancy loss in mares. Marvin undertook several externships in anatomic pathology alongside residency training at Cambridge and Surrey universities.

He obtained a diploma in forensic medical sciences in 2019 and is currently studying for the ACVP and Royal College of Pathologists’ board certification (achieving Phase 1 in 2022). He is also the Royal College of Pathologists’ trainee representative in veterinary anatomic pathology.

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