The case is of a two-year-old female spayed Labrador Retriever named Jade who had a six-month history of three-legged lameness with any activity. Medical treatment failed and the patient was presented to the veterinary surgeon for amputation.
Treatments applied before laser therapy included: carprofen, tramadol, clindamycin, enrofloxacin, pentoxiphylline, prednisone and polysulfated glycosaminoglycan. These treatments had been given in extended time frames over five to six months and patient was still three-legged lame. Radiographs, cytology and culture of scar tissue in the area of the right hock were obtained and the patient was diagnosed with chronic inflammation and probable lymphatic obstruction.
Photobiomodulation therapy was offered with 1,100J delivered to the tarsus at 7W, continuous wave (CW) (total area equal to 125cm2, energy density of 8.8J/cm2). In total, the patient received 10 treatments over 20 days.
The “before” video was taken on initial presentation where the patient is non-weight bearing on affected leg. The post-treatment video was taken after 10 treatment sessions and the patient is completely weight bearing and pain free.
This case is courtesy of Baton Rouge Veterinary Specialists, Baton Rouge, LA |